Monday, May 7, 2007

And She Caves

You know...I thoroughly enjoy reading other blogger's sites...even people I have never met a day in my life. But I have always said, "That would just take too much time for me, and time is a precious commodity in my life." I mean, I already send out en masse once a month to just about every person I know that has an e-mail address a monthly update on our family. Wouldn't this really be easier? Yes! It would. It will also be an avenue to just write some things that I have been feeling lately as God has been stoking the embers of my Spirit that I have tried so faithfully snuff out thru my own shortcomings. It will also be an avenue where my husband, if he so chooses, can write some of his amazing revelations from God. Don't worry...I'll still send out my monthly updates to those you who don't have time for this sort of thing either. I haven't totally gone off my rocker...yet...

So, for those of you who have no clue who we are but find yourself beginning to read this blog...I'll tell you more later....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time you started putting your thoughts down on paper/computer...whatever. As you always used to say, "If the world would just listen to me..."