Tonight's Family Night will probably go down as my Hubs' favorite.
We celebrated the passover, the crucifixion, and most excitedly...the resurrection!
We began the night with a semi-sader-type supper. Here we have lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs, dried fruits and olives served with grape juice. Now, we aren't jewish and this isn't a strict Kosher meal, and we by no means intend to offend anyone who observes this tradition in it's truest form. We just wanted to help begin this type of observance with our 6 and 3 year old.
Here, Daddy is reading the Exodus account of the Passover. What excited me the most was before he started I asked Belle what the passover was. And she told me. Right down to the door posts.
We also, for the first time, did the Resurrection Cookies. Here, we were beating the nuts while Hubs read the Scripture about the beating that Jesus endured. Each step that you do has Scripture and was awesome!
Here we were whipping it all together and talking about how the pure spotless Lamb came and did all of this for you and I!
After the cookies are ready and placed in the oven, the kiddos sealed the oven up with tape (sealed the tomb) and waited. Now, normally, you should do this overnight and open it up on Resurrection Morning to find the empty tomb cookies. But, we just waited about 3 hours. And we opened them and ate them and they were a WONDERFUL illustration.
Then the kiddos made Resurrection Day cards 4 folks they chose from church. Luke's 2 cards was full of lots of pretties. Belle's 2 cards had one with Jesus on the cross and the other with the empty tomb and a risen Lord. I pray the recipients are blessed!
We also made our very own flower arrangement. Look at our beautiful Resurrection Lilies!
We then all took time to write some of our biggest sins that each of us struggle with on slips of paper. Belle came up with her own and phonetically sounded them out and wrote them herself. Hubs asked Luke about some of his and then told him how to spell it. Of course, you couldn't read a thing on his slips, but our hearts were still blessed by it. We then pinned our sins to the cross and talked about what that meant. It is in our dining room at this very moment.
Our last activity was going on a hunt for the Resurrection Eggs. I hid the eggs and then had them go and find the specific color I was looking for. We would open each egg and Hubs would read the Word that went along with the items. Here was the last egg...the empty egg. Glory!
PS--Pardon my girl's make-up all thru these photos. She had acting class right after school tonight where they they learned about stage make-up. There...I feel better.
We ended the evening with the cross/resurrection scenes from "The Passion". Now, before everyone freaks out on me, yes, Belle has seen the entire movie. We didn't just sit her down and say, "enjoy". We spent time talking with her about it and pausing it to make sure. We actually did this with her last Resurrection since it was her first as a converted Christian. And while Luke and I were getting ready for tonight he found the cover of the movie and kept carrying it around and in a very weapy voice would say, "Oh, my Jesus. He dies on the cross!" And he was very concerned...until Jesus rose! This wasn't something we took lightly either, and since Luke was watching we were very careful with that they saw. That was a perfect end to a very poingnant evening.
I look for this to become a wonderful family tradition.
I hope everyone has a very blessed Resurrection Sunday! Rejoice in the risen Lord!
For more fun family night ideas, check out Whittaker Woman and all the contributors over there.
1 comment:
Glory to The Risen King!
I love the Resurrection Lilies!
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