Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break/Day

Since we are taking our big vacation in July this year, we couldn't take off too much time for Spring Break. We did, however, all take off work today with plans for a day 'o' fun at the Museum of Discovery in LR. The weather was supposed to be horrible, but it was BEAUTIFUL! Praise You, Lord!

Why did I never hear of this place when both kids were little? I mean...I knew of it, but always thought it was a froo-froo artsie fartsie place that would hear my voice reverberating down the hall, "Kids stop. Don't touch. Kids NO!"

But, thanks to Kelly, I learned otherwise.

So mom came to join us (which that in and of itself is a praise) and we met Alicia and Camryn.

And let me just add. We were there from 9:00 - 4:00...

...with 3 children...

...2 of whom have 1st child tendencies...

...with ZERO fights, meltdowns or temper-tantrums!

For real!

So, here's some pics of our day at the Museum and the River Market. Enjoy!

Our crowd!

Selling food in the River Market to Mimi


Waiting for the "this little piggy went to market" show...VERY good!

Us 4 adults laughed so HARD b'c they had so many things they did and said that only us adults could truly understand.

Luke got a little scared and Belle got a little protective. This photo blesses my heart tremendously

Not scared anymore

That would be a taranchula

Playing with the tornado

Optical illusions with a guitar and drum

We went to lunch in the River Market and this was on our way back. These girls have known each other, literally, since they were born. They have been fast friends ever since.


Getting their dental work on. The Human Body experience was very cool! They got to see and learn about all different parts of the body.

Racing Mr David to make electricity

Doing our crafts in the Imagniation Station. The girls made some butterfly crafts (look for Alicia to post those)

And Luke made a helicopter. We also watched the Electric Show but didn't get any pics of it. But it was pretty cool.

After toddling around a little longer, Mom took us to Red Lobster where David chose to only get the molten chocolate chip his meal.

Smart Man.

The we headed home and I watched about an hour of this.

Luke is already asleep and Belle is about to be. Tomorrow we have Kelsey's Birthday Party and then we are off to help Mimi and Papa Joe with a project. GREAT Spring Break for us so far!


Kelly said...

Yay!! Looks like a great time. Gonna have to get some comments from you for the Museum's blog!

Andrea said...

I'm so sad I didn't get to make it. Looks like so much fun...and according to Camryn, it was. Thanks so much for inviting her!!!