Swiftly, flow the days!
Apparently I am a little nostalgic as I have watched Baby Girl enter the 1st Grade.
I took off this day as well. Luckily there were not great amounts of tears shed like there were this time last year. But she did still cause me to rock her in the chair and wonder how in the WORLD she was starting 1st Grade this morning when I know fully well that I only birthed her just about 3 days ago.
Time, oh how you steal.
Having our "Breakfast of Champions". One slice of PB toast and one slice of Cinnamon/Sugar toast. Girl knows what's good!
She got to pick which of her outfits she wanted to wear. Good grief, 3-year-olds just look so much older these days. Let's get in a little closer, shall we?
Nevermind! Back away! My heart can't take it!!??!? Watch out, IB 1st Grade Boys. You'll never know what hit you.
With her new teacher, Mrs. Cline. First thing when she got home that afternoon..."I LOVE Mrs. Cline! She is so smart and so fun!" I chatted with her the night before at the open house and she really is very charming.
Settling in. Getting a feel for her surroundings. Mason...he looks a little unsure of this crazy fashionista with her chunky jewelry beside him.
Now, being a new 'photographer' (I use that term loosely) and all, I have begun to see the extreme need for a wing man at moments like these. I don't want to miss any of the good action. So my Baby Boy so gallantly volunteered to grab his sister's PINK camera and be my second at Thunder Road (what's that from?) I could not have made it without his eye for great shots (you'll notice none of them posted here...maybe later)
Then came this. He couldn't understand why we were leaving her. He was slightly depressed until he realized that we were going to spend THIS day just the 2 of us. It wasn't until the next day when Hubs dropped Baby Girl off at her school and then proceeded en route to his school. Hubs said he looked in the mirror and noticed that Baby Boy was hanging his head all the way to school.
Don't worry...They were arguing the moment they saw each other again.
Take care of my Baby Girl, Ida Burns. She really does love you and I look forward to another great year!
1 comment:
Be still my heart! She could be a 17 year old instead of an almost 7 year old! She will do great things! Oh...and I did not miss the "Grease" nod! Well done!
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