Monday, September 14, 2009

At Least I Still Have a Few Years Before I'm No Longer His Love

I picked up Baby Boy from school the other day and his teacher said she had to tell me something.

"Curly's" Momma came in that morning and asked to meet Luke. She said he is all "Curly" talks about. How much she loves him.

"Blondie's" Momma came in shortly after and asked to meet Luke. She said he is all "Blondie" talks about. How much she loves him and is so excited that he got a new shirt the other day with green frogs on it."

That day at nap time his teacher realized why he hasn't been getting his nap.

He's flirting with both "Curly" and "Blondie" and by the time they both fall asleep he's too wound up to sleep.

Listen, girls. He's mine for at least the next 24.6 years. I have his heart and as of right now he still plans to marry me when he grows up.

Watch it.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I will take them out!!! hahaha!!!!