Monday, October 1, 2007

My Cup Overflows

This past weekend my little "Bella-Boo-Bear" turned 5 years old. 5 YEARS OLD! I had told David that it took almost that long to get her here and that time crept by, so how did these 5 amazing years fly by so fast?

Saturday she had a "girlfriends" party (well, plus her baby cousin and brother) where she takes gymnastics. Those girls had a blast and she got tons of great stuff.

Not to mention the ENTIRE BOX FULL of High School Musical stuff from her Aunt Becky and Uncle Matt.

Did I say full? I meant full.

I don't know what will happen when they ever have kids.

You can look at pictures of the party over on the photos link.

This was her Sunday, on her actual Birthday, in an outfit from said Aunt and Uncle. Isn't she breathtaking?

More importantly, I spent Sunday night in bed with her telling her all about that exact same night 5 years earlier. She kept asking for me to tell her more and more and more and by the end I was in tears...again.

I know you are all shocked.

As I held her in my arms...well...mainly her head, I remembered when I once held that tiny, fragile, 6lb 15oz wriggling angel in just the crook of my arm. That night I gazed at her the same way I did back then...only this time she smiled back at me. I smelled her head the way I did then...only this time she giggled at me. I cried the way I did then...only this time she cried with me.

I know you are all, yet again, shocked.

After her story, I told her I wanted to sing her "our song"...the same song I sang to her the night she was born. Here are the words:

"Tell me why, the stars to shine,
Tell me why, the ivy twines,
Tell me why, the sky's so blue
And I will tell you just why I love you.

Because God made, the stars to shine,
Because God made, the ivy twin
Because God made, the sky so blue
Because God made you, that's why I love you."

We cried some more...

My Darling Belle,

You are one amazing kid! You teach me every day things I want to learn (love, happiness, pure joy, fun, etc) and things I don't necessarily want to learn (patience). Most importantly you teach me more about faith in God than even I have learned on my own in my lifetime. Some of my toughest struggles with faith have been trying to wait on God to get you here. I remember telling you a few weeks ago about this story...the story of you being a miracle and I'll never forget the look on your face as we lay in bed...snuggling as tears rolled down my face....and yours. Not only is that my testimony, but it is also yours. But as you wiped my tears away and said, "Mommy, I'm glad God gave me to you. You are my bestest friend." Even though you tell Daddy that too, I literally thought my heart was going to explode! I'm glad God gave you to me as well! You have no idea how much. While you don't know it, you and your Words from God have gotten me thru some tough spots these last few months. I love you so much and look forward to spending your life with you watching you grow in love, faith and in God.

You're my bestest friend, too!


From Then...

To Now...


Anonymous said...


hang on a second...

Okay, I've taken a few deep breaths and regained my composure...
I've said it a million times before but I'll say it again. I am a believer of miracles because every time I see Belle's precious face, I am seeing a living breathing miracle. 5 years ago God filled an empty space in my heart by bringing Isabella into my life. And I find it no coincidence that her middle name is Faith. Faith is what got her here, and Faith is what she has taught me to have every second of every day since the moment she arrived. Father God, I cannot thank you enough for the joy and the laughter and the FAITH that your "miracle" has brought into my life! I love you Isabella Faith!

Alison said...

Now all my makeup is running down my face!

It is so hard to believe how fast these 5 years have gone. Belle is one precious little girl. Like I have said before, she is special because I chose her to be my "neice". It is so exciting to think about how much she will grow in the Lord these next 5 years!
Belle, I love you so much! You are my sunshine!

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When skies are gray.
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away!"

Tiffany said...

This little girl does a heart good! I love you, Belle!

The Proctors said...

Happy 5th Birthday Belle!! It's amazing how the time flies!