And as they were making it, something hit me and pulled out my camera.
I've been dealing with some things lately...processing thru some stuff in my mind...watching friends deal with things they should never have to deal with.
Doesn't life just seem...lifeless sometimes?
No color, no smells, no taste...
just a base of life...
moving around from here to there...
only getting done the things that have to be done...
...but fully preparing for the next step...
waiting for the right moment...
For that right moment...
for the agent of change to happen...
when the colors are vibrant and the smells are strong and the taste is amazing again...
when feelings aren't what matters, but peace is...
when we are so full that we can do nothing else but bubble and boil and just pray some of it splashes over onto those we love and they get to feel it too...
when we are so vibrant that others are attracted to us and long for what we have and are...
and the best part is it's not's real!
But the thing is that sometimes we have to be getting prepared for that right moment. We can't just throw the sugar, water, corn syrup, color and flavor in a bowl and expect candy to just happen. Likewise, we can't just throw happiness, tears, lessons to be learned, freedom, wants and needs in a bowl and expect a perfect life to just happen.
We gotta prepare! We gotta go thru the processes sometimes that make us uncomfortable. It prepares us for what is about to come sometimes. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out on it. I would rather be uncomfortable for a season and reap the peace than manipulate myself into a comfort filled existence and miss the big picture.
And in the process we might get a little messy along the way...
...but the end result sure tastes sweet!

amen amen amen!!!! Ya know, I was thinking about your fb status question last night and I honestly would not go back and change anything. NOt anything major...I would go through everything I have because God has used my mistakes to mold me and make me who I am and who I am becoming. Yes, it was uncomfortable but it was so worth it for the end result! Now, I might go back and change some things like, not eating so much or not coloring my hair, but nothing!
LOL...I think, Andrea, it is a true sign of maturity when you can look at all you have been through and not want to change any of it because it took that to get you to the place you are today. Sounds like Joseph talking to his brothers when he said, "What you did to me you meant for harm, but God used it for good!" (That is a Momma paraphrase but I think you get the point.) When we can look back and see all we have been through; good, bad, and ugly and then can count it all joy, that is maturity! Proud of you!
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