Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Miss Perceptive vs My Son

Every year for Christmas I will take my 2 kiddos to the store and we walk every single aisle until they decide what they want to get their Daddy for Christmas. And then Hubs does the same with them for me. We never try to influence their decisions. It's completely up to them (within reason) and that way we know it is straight from their hearts.

For instance, last year Baby Girl knew before she ever set foot in the store what she wanted to get her Daddy.

Star Wars pajamas.

Guess what? I couldn't find them ANYWHERE! So, we bought some plain PJs and some iron-on transfer paper. Instant Star Wars Pajamas.

That he still wears and she still beams with pride every single time he puts them on!

Another for instance, last year all Baby Boy would tell my Hubs that he wanted to get his Momma was "something red".

Hubs had to somewhat direct his attention to more practical things when the 2 things he wanted most to get me were #1 the red Target buggy or #2 the red stripe on the floor at Target.

I really didn't want to have to bail my 3-year-old (at the time) out of jail so I'm OH so glad Hubs more evenly directed him toward many assundry other red things.

And that's how I wound up with my new makeup bag. Red flowers on it + adamant child = Momma's new silver la may bag.

So this year seemed to be no different for me. I took the kiddos first and Baby Girl wanted to get him a Jenga game (not sure on that one) and "money to put stuff on his iPhone".

Totally understood this one. If he had money specifically for his iPhone, SHE would get more games to play. Smart kid.

Baby Boy picked out (after 2 rounds thru the Wal Mart) a fine new hunting cap for his Daddy.

Then, after 2 weeks of Baby Boy continually trying to give all of the purchased gifts away to the other parent, it finally came to Christmas morning.

Baby Girl apparently walked into the store with one thing in mind. FOOD! She knew that when we cooked together I'm always complaining about not having a big enough skillet. She fixed that. She is so perceptive and thoughtful and knew right off the bat what would make her Momma's fried rice heart sing!

Then, Baby Boy brought me one gift...the one they got me together apparently. And as he brought it to me he shouts, "It's a baby game!!!!!!"

I hadn't even touched it let alone tore it open yet! I was thinking I had my very own version of "Farm Uno" but then what to my surprise...it was Connect 4.

I was VERY excited.

But nothing could prepare me for what HE bought me.

Go there with me now...As the package is being delivered from the tree to where I sit (about 2 adult steps) I can see the excitement on his face mounting! It was as though he was in a free candy store...seriously.

I start unwrapping and he's tryin to tell me what it is...again...but I tune him out as best I can. And that's when I see it...can you guess what's left in this photo that I haven't talked about?

Did you guess the Barbie? On her bike? The one where as she rides her bike, the puppy in her basket bounces? That one?

You would be correct.

Because I LOVE to wear a tube top and funky glasses on my head and Sissy would NEVER jump out of that silly basket...

I'm taking in my new found Barbie (that might I point out I have NEVER mentioned that I even remotely wanted) as I hear my Baby Boy screaming with glee as he jumps up and down, "ITSABARBIE! JUSWIKEYOUALWAYSWANTED!!!! ANDSHEWIDESABIKE!!! JUSWIKEYOU!!!"

What alternative Momma has your Daddy been living with? Fat don't ride bikes. It causes the heart rate to climb to death-like levels.

But I wished now I had taken a photo of him in is proud-as-a-peacock pose after he described how much I always wanted this.

It was a treasure.

So to all you moms of boys out there...be careful what your heart's desire is. For you just might get it...or something you didn't even know what hidden way, way, WAY down deep in said heart.

On a side note, you will all be happy to know that Izzy LuLu (the psychotically mechanical cat) is sleeping comfortably in her bed with her night side table.

With her own perfume, piggy bank and Junie B Jones book.

A girl needs options for those nights when she can't sleep or is trying to attract the neighborhood tom cat.


The Proctors said...

Oh my goodness! That is so hilarious!! Kids are so funny! Love it!

bec said...

I can't believe he remembered what I told him to get you!!!

Andrea said...

LOL....i can hear him saying that! SO sweet!!!