I literally hear this every single day. Accompanied by the following 2 photos:
Asking me to feel his muscles here...
...while here he is asking me to feel his brain muscles.
He did it again tonight (which was when said photos were captured).
I still laugh every stinkin time, too!
But tonight, he stopped me dead in my tracks. He made me really ponder on all of the people in my life that are asking me right now to "feel their muscles"...
There's My Baby Girl who is asking me daily to feel her independence muscles.
There's My Man who currently flexing his doing what's best for us muscles.
There's my dog who is currently flexing her lazy muscles.
There's 2 of my best friends currently flexing their growing womb muscles.
There's My Becky who is currently flexing her crazed maniac fan muscles.
There's another friend who is currently flexing her sassy mouth muscles.
There's another friend who is currently flexing her trust muscles.
There's another friend who is currently flexing their fakeness muscles.
There's another friend who is currently flexing their driving me nuts muscles!!
Then there's me. If I'm willing to be honest...What muscles am I flexing right now?
Fear~Fear of what is next for us.
Trust~Trusting what will be next for us.
Understanding~Understanding that not everyone who says they are your friend really is.
Panic~Panic over how dissolve a cancerous relationship with a lady who is taking life from me.
Nostalgia~Nostalgia over what The Lord has brought me thru.
Self~Enough said.
Love~Loving those in my life who are unlovable.
Excitement~Excitement to wake up and start a new morning and what it might bring.
Laughter~Laughter is my default no matter the situation and I love to see others laugh with me.
Confidence~My confidence and self-esteem are always in play.
OCD~Just threw y'all a bone with that one cause I knew you were thinking it!
Well that was fun.
Just a piece of advice, though...don't ask your husband to throw out words to describe you. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you blush. Some will make you plan his future sleeping arrangements!
Just don't anyone laugh if you see me kissing my biceps as I walk by a window. I'm just doing a self check!
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