Monday, August 1, 2011

Who IS His Mother?

I've been working thru my pictures and videos on my iPhone and separating out what I plan to transfer over to the iPad. Not only will it free up space on the phone, it will also keep My Boy from deleting things I do NOT want to lose (like he has done in the past).

So while perusing thru the camera roll, I find this:

And some of this...

And ultimately this...

That little turkey makes me swoon!

So he gets me to thinking...exactly 2 weeks from today, I will be taking off work for the day.

To do this and this all over again.

For the last time.

Wow. That last sentence hit me kind of hard. For the last time. I have 2 weeks to prepare for this.

I'm not sure it is enough.


Mandy said...

This makes me cry. That last picture will be me soon. I am blessed to get a second time around. Thought all my firsts up to this point were done when Kelsey did them.

The Proctors said...

Can't believe our boys are starting kindergarten. Weren't they just born? Weren't we just pregnant together? :(